
Friday, June 30, 2006

week one

Back to School/hospital/work/whatever

Just sent my little sis off at the airport. so now feeling a little sad. i always fall into slight depression whenever my sister leaves for HK..i just love having her around the house..I'm definitely gonna miss her bubbly presence. but time passes really fast, and i know we'll meet up again soon! Take care Lina..MUAKS!

Anyway..Call me mad, but i'm glad the school term has started..I like having my life filled up with activites, and the hols were getting a tad uninteresting.

So the past few days I have been waking up early and jumping out of bed to my usual morning routine with much anticipation and excitment..i love the drive to the hospitals, where i keep playing my favourite song of the moment, 'Trouble sleeping' by The Perishers..from the OC soundtrack.

I like to have a favourite song which i play again & again, so that i have a tune to hum to the whole day, especially when i'm alone. Haha yah a little nutz, i know. But knowing me i'll probably get sick of that song really soon..then i'll have to find a new favourite song of the moment!

Anyz, dermatology posting has been rather relaxing, and anyone can see the attractions of becoming a dermatologist..good lifestyle, good pay, many many many customers who demand creams like it's their birthright.

Like many people, i've thought about doing dermatology before, especially since i'm so vain and i've probably researched & tried every skincare brand on the market (haha i'm mad), but the thought of going through internal med for derm just puts me off a little. Plus there's almost no surgical aspect to it, unless you find biopsies & cryotherapy & lasers challenging. Also, i'm kinda wary about skin conditions being so easily spread by contact..esp those nuisance warts..arg!

But i must say, there's sooo much more to derm than aesthetic skincare. I was posted to CDC on friday, where we saw patients with REAL skin problems like Bullous pemphigoid, GED, pompholyx, severe atopic dermatitis, Epidermolysis Bullosa Acquisita..I found the morning ward round extremely interesting..and my heart really went out to all those patients.

This week, i met up with a couple of close friends from JC...weiling & jon! Thanks weiling for noticing the change (you-know-what).. you are one of the very very few close friends who could tell! *hugs*

Thank you thank you Brian for the seafood dinner treat at Blue Lobster! Nic & i really enjoyed the seafood platter..and it was very fun chatting with you & your lovely Ruixin!=)

Saturday, June 24, 2006


Summer night barbecue
It was a fantastic night of schmoozing, eating, bbq-ing, catching up with friends, playing games, drinking..heh i love parties, especially those with great company! i had invited some close friends including my ex-CG mates (i'm gonna miss you guys), anatomy group mates (glad our anat gp spirit is still strong..heh! too bad some of them couldn't come..), my rgs girlfriends (i Love you girls!) & a few other close med friends...

But really, the most important people i have to thank are my wonderful mum, dad, sister & maid! Without them, none of last night would have been possible..especially the yummy food! Thanks a million for everything....
My fun-loving, gorgeous girlfriends from rgs & rj! It's been a while since we had our usual girlbonding gatherings at my place..but it's always sooo fun with you girls around! *Muaks*

My ex-CG..Haha ok not our full CG but you guys are my some of my favourite people in med anyz! Though we're changing cg and all, really glad to have known great people like you! Keep in touch yah=)

Thanks everyone for coming! i had lots of fun..hope you did too! haha=) Sorry didn't take everyone's photo..oops..cos we took it at the end when some of u guys had left!

Friday, June 23, 2006

family feasts

Family foodies!

The past couple of days my family have been eating really well! Just glad we're spending quality family time together before my school starts and my sis leaves for HK next week..

Patara Thai restaurant @ Tanglin Mall
We love thai food especially my dad..It's got all the nice spices as ingredients, it's not too oily, it's not too bland, it tastes great!

Min Jiang @ One Rochester

I guess 'One Rochester' is on everyone's lips as the latest chic hang out place to chill, eat, drink... Well we wanted to try Min Jiang and see if it was as good as the one at Goodwood..I was really looking forward to their famous peking duck..but it was just ok, not fantastic. But their desserts were good..especially the black glutinous rice with ice cream & the mango pomelo sago with ice cream!

The ambience was really cool though..Chinese food in a colonial style bungalow. The lighting was warm and gave everything a nice glow. We sat at the main hall, with a great view of the al fresco dining area, but safe from the mosquitoes!

The other restaurants which were just a walking distance from Min Jiang looked really alluring too..I definitely want to go back to try them!=)

Music Dreamer's Cafe @ Marina Square

Yen, Lina and I went to Music dreamer's cafe to support Woon jie & her 2 friends in their performance. The singing and music was great..though I'm not an expert in Chinese songs, their voices were so nice I couldn't help enjoying the ballads! And Woon jie, I think your voice and piano playing is really good lehz! I really admire people who can sing & play the piano simultaneously..I always go off key whenever i tried in the past..haha=)

Thursday, June 15, 2006

jap desserts


Too bad Morton's was closed for a private event on Wednesday night..was really looking forward to the steak sandwiches and chocolate martinis Felicia told me about! Never mind Flea, we'll definitely check it out some other time k!

Anyz we chanced upon this jap dessert and tea restaurant--Azabusabo, which serves all sorts of jap desserts, green teas and also savoury food. I absolutely adore jap desserts cos i love their maccha ice cream, rice flour and sweet red bean filling (also known as anko)..

I had a kakigori..something like ice kachang (one of my all time favourite 'food') with ice cream, red bean and green tea syrup. It was delightful & refreshing! Perfect for summer=)

Flea had a really nice dessert of rice dumplings in a sea of sweet red bean filling plus maccha ice cream..Also very yummy..i couldn't help but help myself to her red beans!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

happy birthday yen!

Birthday girl..

Thanks lots Yen Yen and family for the extremely tasty dinner..The food was abundant but we managed to finish most of it anyway cos it was just soooo yummy!

And it's always fantastic meeting up with the cousins and other relatives once again!

Thanks too for the unbelievably good chocolate birthday cake from bakerzinn! i'm gonna start ordering all my birthday cakes from there now!!

Anyz, while i was shopping for a present for Yen in the US, i chanced upon a Philosophy gift pack (with creams & some make up) which i nearly wanted to buy..partly cos i liked the words on the white bag so much! But later decided it wasn't worth the exorbitant price...Heh anywayz i'm sure the present we got for Yen in the end was much more to her liking!=)

But i just would like to share the words on the bag with everyone..They're so uplifting! For those who can't make out the blurry words on the picture, here they are:

birthday girl.

philosophy: Be grateful to have been given one more day, let alone one more year, remember to dance in your nightgown, to sing in the shower, ride a bike, fly a kite, and take an occasional "wind bath" in your bare skin, give those you love big kisses, huge hugs, and the words "i love you" often and always, nurture your body rather than starve your soul with fad dieting, spend time with the old and the weary to better appreciate your life, on your birthday, call your mother and father wherever they are to thank them for all that they have done for you, even if you think they haven't done enough, watch the movie "life is beautiful" at least once a year, remember that you are not guaranteed a tomorrow and that today is "as good as it gets", thank God for every "thing", every "day", every moment.

Lunch at sakae

steph, eliana, val, lijing, huiling

It was really nice meeting up with the other girls huiling, eliana & sylvia (who couldn't make it for lijing's birthday dinner) after soo long..hey sylvia dear, sorry we took the photo before u came! We'll take more this sunday @ sentosa k! heh :)

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

New Haven New Jersey..Singapore!

3 cities in a week--New Haven, New Jersey, Singapore

Back home in Singapore! Finally!

I was soo happy when the plane finally touched down at changi airport. However exciting and interesting US may be, nothing compared to the warm fuzzy feeling that washed over me as I saw the sunny island with its HDB estates and palm trees. It feels really good to be home.. being with my dad, mum & sis..and my dog rocky!=) boo..rocky's lost so much weight cos i wasn't around to feed him my share of cookies, chocolates & cakes!

Been too busy settling in & continuing with my ophthalmology elective at NUH, and meeting up with family & friends to have time for jet lag! Haha...think i recovered from jet lag as soon as i hit the airport!;)

Anyz..after a month of general surgery, it sure feels great to be back at ophthalmology again! The people at the department, the ophthalmolscope, the lens, eyelids, cornea, optic nerve...i sure missed them! Heheh.

And..on Wednesday i met up with some of my dear girl buddies to celebrate lijing's birthday! We met at one of our fav girlie restaurants--Marmalade Pantry. So much fun, giggles, b*tching, indulging..the food was fantastic! And we had a lovely time.. here's a photo collage i took from lijing's blog with her permission..Like Lea says, lijing's camera takes really flattering shots..and the collage is so nicely done i just had to have it! Thanks again birthday babe! =)

But of course here are more pics of my favourite subjects..FOOD!
Salmon teriyaki with chilled soba..yummy yummy but definitely needs a larger serving..the salmon fillet was so small!

Chicken pot pie..my all time Marmalade pantry favourite! The biscuit is done just right! not too crispy, not too soft!

And the best part (well at least for me) were the cakes! And cos it was lijing's birthday, we got free ice cream to go with them! Lip-smackingly good!

Flashbacks..Here are some photos of my final leg in New Haven & New Jersey.. I had a great time, and was pretty reluctant to leave U.S..kinda sad the adventure had to end..Or maybe not!


Dinner at Pacifico was rather expensive but the latin american food was unique and yummy.. esp Nic's spanish seafood paella..

Yale university

Yale medical school

Louis' Lunch Est 1895..Did you know hamburgers originated in New Haven? Yups..this place near Yale is famous for their original burgers..it's more like a sandwich with a generous serving of beef patty!


Great bbq dinner at New Jersey with Nic's Aunt Sok & Uncle Ian.. Thanks dear for being such a great bbq chef! The beef and tuna were scrumptious!:D

Thursday, June 01, 2006

I love New York!

'If you can only have one great love, then the city just may be mine. ' --Carrie, Sex & the City

'I'm always surprised when anyone leaves New York. I mean, where do they go?' --Samantha, Sex & the

I must admit New Haven is charming and peaceful and quiet ..But I somehow feel as if there is a layer of dust over this sleepy town that's getting on with her age & not keeping up with the times.

I took a side trip down to New York the other day cos I was bored in the Elm City.. So i hopped onto a train, tucked in with a really good book..'Style' by Kate Spade (haha i admit it's the pretty drawings and chic quotes which got my attraction)..And in 2 hours time, I was in Grand Central Terminal!

I felt as if I stepped into another world altogether. I've been to New York 2 years ago, and as soon as I stepped into Grand Central and its whirling crowds, deja vu hit me. All the excitment and adrenaline started rushing through my veins..The whiff of starbucks, the pulse of the peak-hour commuters, the incredible style & fashion in this city that never sleeps. I felt all energised immediately!

Thankfully, Mark was in New York, visiting his friend, so I had company for the day..We hit Fifth avenue at once, and allowed ourselves to be overwhelmed by the glitz & glamour of NY's haute couture..Tiffany's & Gucci..we just went in to gawk at the beautiful jewellery and clothes..and prices. Then of course there was Nike town, Abercrombie & Fitch.. The staff in Abercrombie were all so HOT..the girls & guys all looked like they had just stepped out from a summer fashion shoot! The store was so well decorated, with thumping music in the background and it seemed to scream 'Buy buy buy our american culture!' I tried to resist. Really. Visited the new Apple Store in fifth avenue. Daddy & Lina would have loved this place.. iPods, Mac, Genius Bar where you can get technical & creative help. I'm not a big Apple fan (not yet) but I was pretty blown away by the architecture & layout of the store!

We spent some time in Central Park, Soho, Greenwich village.. Greenwich village is generally known for its bohemian & alternative culture, and its colourful artistic residents.

There were many nice little cafes and restaurants..we were hungry and settled for an italian eatery round the corner. I had linguini al pesto which i totally enjoyed..The classic garlicky basil Pesto sauce is just perfect for summer! Too bad mark's spaghetti vongole was a tad too salty & the flavour of the wine wasn't really there..

And of course there was Times Square. There is no NY without its bustling bright famous square!
All too soon, it was time to hop onto the train and head back to New haven.. Oh well, at least i ended it with a very yummy dinner with nic! We both finished one large pizza (with extra cheese & meatballs) and 10 spicy chicken drumsticks/wings!