
Friday, June 30, 2006

week one

Back to School/hospital/work/whatever

Just sent my little sis off at the airport. so now feeling a little sad. i always fall into slight depression whenever my sister leaves for HK..i just love having her around the house..I'm definitely gonna miss her bubbly presence. but time passes really fast, and i know we'll meet up again soon! Take care Lina..MUAKS!

Anyway..Call me mad, but i'm glad the school term has started..I like having my life filled up with activites, and the hols were getting a tad uninteresting.

So the past few days I have been waking up early and jumping out of bed to my usual morning routine with much anticipation and excitment..i love the drive to the hospitals, where i keep playing my favourite song of the moment, 'Trouble sleeping' by The Perishers..from the OC soundtrack.

I like to have a favourite song which i play again & again, so that i have a tune to hum to the whole day, especially when i'm alone. Haha yah a little nutz, i know. But knowing me i'll probably get sick of that song really soon..then i'll have to find a new favourite song of the moment!

Anyz, dermatology posting has been rather relaxing, and anyone can see the attractions of becoming a dermatologist..good lifestyle, good pay, many many many customers who demand creams like it's their birthright.

Like many people, i've thought about doing dermatology before, especially since i'm so vain and i've probably researched & tried every skincare brand on the market (haha i'm mad), but the thought of going through internal med for derm just puts me off a little. Plus there's almost no surgical aspect to it, unless you find biopsies & cryotherapy & lasers challenging. Also, i'm kinda wary about skin conditions being so easily spread by contact..esp those nuisance warts..arg!

But i must say, there's sooo much more to derm than aesthetic skincare. I was posted to CDC on friday, where we saw patients with REAL skin problems like Bullous pemphigoid, GED, pompholyx, severe atopic dermatitis, Epidermolysis Bullosa Acquisita..I found the morning ward round extremely interesting..and my heart really went out to all those patients.

This week, i met up with a couple of close friends from JC...weiling & jon! Thanks weiling for noticing the change (you-know-what).. you are one of the very very few close friends who could tell! *hugs*

Thank you thank you Brian for the seafood dinner treat at Blue Lobster! Nic & i really enjoyed the seafood platter..and it was very fun chatting with you & your lovely Ruixin!=)