
Sunday, November 05, 2006

playhouse 2006

I thought the m5 play was absolutely FANTASTIC with a capital F! Heh i'm surprised we didn't win..but i only watched the m5 play so not sure how good the rest were.. Anyz whether we won or got 2nd, the play was sooo worth the trip down to LT13. Watching the play really made me wish i had taken part in it.. but i'm just glad i didn't miss the play!=)
Congrats to Van and Mark for winning the Best supporting actress and best actor respectively! You guys were sooo good i was laughing till my stomach hurt! And needless to say, Chen seong got best director..who else but him can come up with such a brilliant play in such a short time..(plus all the constraints of SIP)?

girly chat @ starbucks, hollandV

After playhouse, wendy & i headed to holland village to catch up over some coffee..the newly renovated starbucks is really nice..we were just going on and on about our various SIP experiences..so glad we both enjoyed our internships girl! At least there's HOship to look forward to now! Hehe;)

Eric's surprise party at Brewerkz

Renita organised a surprise party for her dear eric..and a few of us old jc classmates joined the law kids at Brewerkz..While the 'law-side' of the table got drunk & loud, we were soberly just drinking & catching up with each other--Weiling it's always great to see you again! Yap & jega, though we are in med we hardly get to talk, so it was nice chatting about our SIP experiences too! And Zhiyong, the only sweet guy who got eric a present! And of course Eric, the birthday boy.. haha thanks for keeping us laughing all the time! And we're so touched by the treat! thanks for the beer--and oreo ice cream cake! Hehe.

(apologies for the grainy blurry pic--hp cams have their limits. argh.)