
Saturday, June 24, 2006


Summer night barbecue
It was a fantastic night of schmoozing, eating, bbq-ing, catching up with friends, playing games, drinking..heh i love parties, especially those with great company! i had invited some close friends including my ex-CG mates (i'm gonna miss you guys), anatomy group mates (glad our anat gp spirit is still strong..heh! too bad some of them couldn't come..), my rgs girlfriends (i Love you girls!) & a few other close med friends...

But really, the most important people i have to thank are my wonderful mum, dad, sister & maid! Without them, none of last night would have been possible..especially the yummy food! Thanks a million for everything....
My fun-loving, gorgeous girlfriends from rgs & rj! It's been a while since we had our usual girlbonding gatherings at my place..but it's always sooo fun with you girls around! *Muaks*

My ex-CG..Haha ok not our full CG but you guys are my some of my favourite people in med anyz! Though we're changing cg and all, really glad to have known great people like you! Keep in touch yah=)

Thanks everyone for coming! i had lots of fun..hope you did too! haha=) Sorry didn't take everyone's photo..oops..cos we took it at the end when some of u guys had left!