
Wednesday, March 29, 2006

be with me

Yay Pathology is finally over!
Haven't stopped mugging since the start of 2004--first O&G, followed by patho..So I'm REALLY lookig forward to a holiday! Before the start of electives! Quick--Book spa, go shop, travel, check out nice restaurants & good food, get more than 4 hrs sleep a night, watch DVDs of the movies i missed--before electives start in a week and a half!

The patho paper today, by any standard/definition, was pretty screwed up. They tested us on topics that no one spotted--TB was reasonable, HCC was already pretty bad (it's such a rare cancer compared to liver/lung/breast/CIN/colon..), but the forensic qtn and the road traffic accident (RTA) qtn just left everyone totally flabbergasted..As i was answering the RTA qtn, i felt like i was in some emergency med exam or smtg. Oh well, but the 2 and a half hrs passed eventually..and believe it or not--It's finally officially post exams. Phew.

Anyz for those who want to watch a good movie, check out Eric Khoo's 'Be with me'. It's no longer showing but can go rent the DVD..It was the opening film at the recent Canne's film festival's director fortnight. Here's part of the film synopsis :

'..The cinematic equivalent of a hymn, Be With Me is a film about human beings and their search for love. In his latest film, Eric Khoo manages to explore the themes of urban loneliness and the sentimental "spleen'' without sinking into a cynical abyss. Neither does he resort to cruel psychological stereotypes. In fact, the film is a veritable song of hope; it reclaims the real meaning of the word "humanism"...'

The show really touched me..Parts like one girl's love for another had a kind of aching beauty to it, and the scenes of provision shops with tinned biscuits evoked nostalgia in me, but it was the devoted love of an old man to his wife that wrenched my heart with sorrow and hope..that such true love & commitment existed. Of course i cried..the tears were inevitable. Well i really liked the show..but of cos not everyone may agree.

Ok..time for sleep. Hehe some advice from magazines: Put night creams/serums at night cos skin is at it's most active repair rate while we sleep..cos it's not busy fending off environmental pollutants, UV light, etc etc. Haha that's why they call it beauty sleep. And that's why the fastest way to get premature skin ageing is to enter medicine where you have a surplus of stress, late nights, coffee and more stress to cause irreversible insult on your skin. Argh.