
Sunday, February 26, 2006

girls' night out

25th february 2006

Well i've kinda recovered from feeling sad..heh a pretty fast recovery but decided no point brooding anyz!

Saturday night out with the girls was really fun..thanks lea & syl! =) We missed you lijing!

Dinner at Sun With Moon at wheelock was great..took sylvia's advice and had the kamameshi, the restaurant's speciality--something like claypot rice, jap style..heh. It was pretty good..just wish mine had more unagi though..haha. I LOVE unagi!

And we had yummy desserts to satisfy our sweet tooth cravings..lea had sesame pudding, syl had konnyaku jelly with ginger ale, steph had tofu cheesecake (which tasted like normal cheesecake) except it was sooo pretty! It came in a bamboo cage with an origami paper crane next to it..i felt bad eating it.. After dinner we walked around orchard..hoping but doubting any shops were still open at 9pm. But to our delight, shaw isetan was still open! Although the shops were so obviously closing we were still determined to a bit of shopping..haha. talk about shopaholics..plus lea & i were suffering from severe shopping cravings after not shopping for soo long!

that's us, still shopping when all the make-up counters were closed..haha

Sylvia said we had to get some drinks, since both of us didn't drive, which was quite rare..heh. so we checked out the balcony at heeren, but didn't stay cos there were no empty seats..But we DID get stopped at the door by the bouncer who thought we looked 18!!! Haha we were delighted;>

Anyz we ended up at the wine bar..shared some drinks, gossiped some more, started to feel flushed and sleepy, so we left..

Totally zonked out without drying my hair or switching off my room lights once i got home.. What a week!

26th February

Today was a GREAT day..spent it with two of the dearest persons ever--Nic and my mum!

haha had a Yummy yummy lunch of XO fish head bee hoon @ Holland drive with Nic..the soup version was just DIVINE!! then we went Settler's cafe to play some games..argh i think my brain is too fried after O&G, couldn't concentrate or strategize at all!! all i could concentrate on was how nice my root beer float with vanilla ice cream tasted..

And spent the late afternoon shopping with my mum..gosh i've never felt such a strong impulse to spend like today! Tsk tsk..guilty guilty=/ Heh ok never mind, i'll just spend less for the rest of the month..haha which is ending anyway! Here comes march!;>


  • At 6:38 AM, Blogger Sylvia said…

    Hello Steph! I hope we made you feel better! Anyway, I'm glad we're meeting more regularly now, unlike previously when we only met once a year at your annual Xmas dinners. Heh. Send me the nice photos so I can post pictures of my pretty friends yah! :)

  • At 10:24 AM, Blogger stephanie said…

    heh sure syl babe i'll send you the pics! yupyup it's really GREAT hanging out with you girls..and yes, you girls definitely cheered me up! heh retail therapy the next day helped too..haha. P.S:Our next gathering we can try loof!=)


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