
Monday, February 27, 2006

Frisbee Fun

27th feb 2006
Frisbee at Botanical Gardens

the girls=)

relaxing at the orchestra stage while waiting out a passing shower..and having a picnic..

Wow..i've concluded: too much studying is BAD for your health!

Today i was SOB (short of breath)+++ after just a game of frisbee @ botanical gardens.. and it didn't help that i sorta forgot a frisbee is supposed to be thrown horizontally instead of vertically.. hahaha. But it was FUN FUN FUN!=) Though there was once when i collided with ramesh and thought i had ruptured my spleen or liver or worse--an abdominal aortic aneurysm..for the rest of the game i was unconsciously watching out for signs of a haemoperitoneum..crazy girl.

And i went running with Van after that..but i immediately regretted it once i started. I was damn freaking tired..but i kept telling myself not to give up (i love running..but stopped for some time when the O&G exams were drawing near)..and Van is so FIT! it was not easy keeping up. Honestly, i felt sharp chest pains and kept wondering if i was having an AMI or smtg. But i started to relax after a while and decided to stop my Medical Student Sydrome nonsense. (Haha that's what one tutor called it when i asked the tutor if i might have some sort of neuropathy cos my feet kept jerking involuntarily)

But anyz it was a great day..exercise always makes you feel really GOOD about yourself. I feel so much healthier and more muscular already..haha. Yeah right, like one day makes a difference girl..Hehe but to me it does--so who cares!;>

all sweaty and tired--but happy--after an afternoon (ok, more like an evening) of frisbee..After that we went Adam Road food centre..had a bowl of the famous delicious prawn noodle..felt i deserved all those calories after running so much! hehe.


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