
Monday, February 27, 2006

Frisbee Fun

27th feb 2006
Frisbee at Botanical Gardens

the girls=)

relaxing at the orchestra stage while waiting out a passing shower..and having a picnic..

Wow..i've concluded: too much studying is BAD for your health!

Today i was SOB (short of breath)+++ after just a game of frisbee @ botanical gardens.. and it didn't help that i sorta forgot a frisbee is supposed to be thrown horizontally instead of vertically.. hahaha. But it was FUN FUN FUN!=) Though there was once when i collided with ramesh and thought i had ruptured my spleen or liver or worse--an abdominal aortic aneurysm..for the rest of the game i was unconsciously watching out for signs of a haemoperitoneum..crazy girl.

And i went running with Van after that..but i immediately regretted it once i started. I was damn freaking tired..but i kept telling myself not to give up (i love running..but stopped for some time when the O&G exams were drawing near)..and Van is so FIT! it was not easy keeping up. Honestly, i felt sharp chest pains and kept wondering if i was having an AMI or smtg. But i started to relax after a while and decided to stop my Medical Student Sydrome nonsense. (Haha that's what one tutor called it when i asked the tutor if i might have some sort of neuropathy cos my feet kept jerking involuntarily)

But anyz it was a great day..exercise always makes you feel really GOOD about yourself. I feel so much healthier and more muscular already..haha. Yeah right, like one day makes a difference girl..Hehe but to me it does--so who cares!;>

all sweaty and tired--but happy--after an afternoon (ok, more like an evening) of frisbee..After that we went Adam Road food centre..had a bowl of the famous delicious prawn noodle..felt i deserved all those calories after running so much! hehe.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

girls' night out

25th february 2006

Well i've kinda recovered from feeling sad..heh a pretty fast recovery but decided no point brooding anyz!

Saturday night out with the girls was really fun..thanks lea & syl! =) We missed you lijing!

Dinner at Sun With Moon at wheelock was great..took sylvia's advice and had the kamameshi, the restaurant's speciality--something like claypot rice, jap style..heh. It was pretty good..just wish mine had more unagi though..haha. I LOVE unagi!

And we had yummy desserts to satisfy our sweet tooth cravings..lea had sesame pudding, syl had konnyaku jelly with ginger ale, steph had tofu cheesecake (which tasted like normal cheesecake) except it was sooo pretty! It came in a bamboo cage with an origami paper crane next to it..i felt bad eating it.. After dinner we walked around orchard..hoping but doubting any shops were still open at 9pm. But to our delight, shaw isetan was still open! Although the shops were so obviously closing we were still determined to a bit of shopping..haha. talk about shopaholics..plus lea & i were suffering from severe shopping cravings after not shopping for soo long!

that's us, still shopping when all the make-up counters were closed..haha

Sylvia said we had to get some drinks, since both of us didn't drive, which was quite rare..heh. so we checked out the balcony at heeren, but didn't stay cos there were no empty seats..But we DID get stopped at the door by the bouncer who thought we looked 18!!! Haha we were delighted;>

Anyz we ended up at the wine bar..shared some drinks, gossiped some more, started to feel flushed and sleepy, so we left..

Totally zonked out without drying my hair or switching off my room lights once i got home.. What a week!

26th February

Today was a GREAT day..spent it with two of the dearest persons ever--Nic and my mum!

haha had a Yummy yummy lunch of XO fish head bee hoon @ Holland drive with Nic..the soup version was just DIVINE!! then we went Settler's cafe to play some games..argh i think my brain is too fried after O&G, couldn't concentrate or strategize at all!! all i could concentrate on was how nice my root beer float with vanilla ice cream tasted..

And spent the late afternoon shopping with my mum..gosh i've never felt such a strong impulse to spend like today! Tsk tsk..guilty guilty=/ Heh ok never mind, i'll just spend less for the rest of the month..haha which is ending anyway! Here comes march!;>

Saturday, February 25, 2006


Dear God

Please give me the peace to accept the things i cannot change,
the courage to change those that i can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.
Sigh..O&G is finally over..it has been a LONG and mentally, physically and emotionally draining 8 weeks..After Obs ended today, i just cried..partly cos the examiners were drilling me so unsmilingly, and partly from all the stress of the MBBS coming to an end. It didn't even hit me my posting was actually over. And i just woke up from an afternoon nap, where i was being chased for a third case write up. Ok this has got to stop..

ALrite..no point brooding over it now...At least i know i tried my best, and prepared as much as i could! heh will be going out to meet my dear gfs now! hopefully some time with the girls will cheer me up!=)

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


I'm really really tired..from all the late nights, the early mornings, the last minute cramming of facts, the non-stop worrying about my clinical tests, the fact that i need coffee to sustain me through the day, the thought of wasting such a sunny day by staying cooped up at home or in the library, the stress on everyone's faces, the growing eyebags on mine...

I am soooo looking forward to a well-deserved break! And the spoiled brat in me is just hankering after some pampering..massage, spa, retail therapy..haha. and i wanna just lie in the sun and get my melanocytes stimulated by the UV rays for all i care.

Ok enough of daydreaming and back to work...But to be honest, the more i study, the more i enjoy O&G, or more accurately, medicine in general. I love talking to patients and seeing them laugh..they're really the ones who keep me going, who remind me why i wanted to do medicine in the first place. Everyday i may go to sleep tired, and even wake up tired, but in my heart i know it'll all be worth it. Every second, every wrinkle, every worry of my little life.. it'll all be worth it, i know.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

bEsT fRiEnDs

Best Friends

hey val babe..it was wonderful meeting up with you on saturday--as it always is. No matter what, i feel like we always have stuff to talk about & that we have no problem connecting no matter where we left off...heh that's why we're best friends i guess! hehe..

And though i know lots and LOTS of things have happened these few years--for good and bad--i'm really thankful for our enduring friendship=) it still amazes me when i think about how much we've grown since we were innocent girls who wore our belts too high in sec 1 to who we are now. but thanks for the memories..will always remember the fantastic time we had cheerleading for WADDLE house together, dancing in all those abstract dances of lao shi's, meeting up everytime you're back from down under..Thanks for everything girl..just hope you continue to stay strong & beautiful! Love ya!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

8th february

i will always treasure this day..:)

to my favourite guy: thanks for everything..including picking me up from the airport, going for salsa classes with me, making sure i eat more than a few grains of rice, making me laugh, calling me silly names like you-know-what..haha..and lots more!

Just the two of us

I see the crystal raindrops fall

And see the beauty of it all

Is when the sun comes shining through

To make those rainbows in my mind

When I think of you some time

And I want to spend some time with you

Just the two of us

We can make it if we try

Just the two of us, just the two of us

Just the two of us

Building castles in the sky

Just the two of us, you and I

We look for love, no time for tears

Wasted water's all that is

And it don't make no flowers grow

Good things might come to those who wait

Not to those who wait too late

We got to go for all we know

Just the two of us

We can make it if we try

Just the two of us, just the two of us

Just the two of us

Building castles in the sky

Just the two of us, you and I

I hear the crystal raindrops fall

On the window down the hall

And it becomes the morning dew

Darling, when the morning comes

And I see the morning sun

I want to be the one with you

Thursday, February 02, 2006

what a week

Life just keeps getting busier! anyway yay finally got my camera back..so here's the photos my cg took at our very rare 'cg lunch' with leonie the exchange student from indonesia.. Heh but it was a fun lunch anyz..had a good laugh joking abt the you-know-whos!

on thursday, after a whole morning of neonatology lectures, quiz & tut in KK, it was lunch break..before we had a tutorial in the afternoon which ended at 4pm, then we had to rush for our next tutorial in NUH at 4pm. So there we were--4 medical students scuttling around in our labcoats..didn't even have time to take them off in the car..Haha, what a silly sight we must have been!

anyz on friday, i spent one whole wasted morning at kelantan clinic..only did one speculum examination. But i left the clinic with a choked up feeling of sadness and disappointment--not so much cos there weren't more patients to practise speculum exam on (DUH)--But because the sex worker simply left me feeling inexpicably confused..

perhaps i had never come face to face with a sex worker before..but her nonchalant talk about business being bad (bad means about 10 guys a day) left me disgusted yet sorry all at once. at that time i couldn't help but view prostitution as a thankless and grim occupation that degrades not only the prostitutes themselves but the whole feminine gender as well.

But after thinking about it for sometime, i do realize not all prostitutes are abducted and forced into prostitution..some are there out of their own will, some because of poverty, and some--esp the smart attractive ones--probably make 'more money than consultants do' (like my friend winston said). Nonetheless, what ever their story is, i just feel kinda sorry..

On a happier note, hey angela: here's the photo we took at the airport while you stopped over from shanghai back to home sweet home auckland! hope you're enjoying the nice sunny weather back home..and relishing the 7d dried mangoes..Hahaha..let us know if you crave for more!=)

And hey nic & ramesh, from the way you guys talk about O&G..i think you're probably 2 of the very few guys who are more comfortable in the posting..probably cos you're such lady killers! haha;>