
Saturday, July 29, 2006

s03g gatherings

Pete's Place
S03G girls...& a guy.

Thanks liz & zhimin & sujen for organizing=)

Here are the pics..as promised!

the so3g girls..zhining has nice long hair now! ;)
Sorry the food pics are kinda blur! i've been taking photos with my nokia phone..only 2 megapixel lah..

Yummy authentic italian food! the best part of the dinner...dessert of course! we ordered 2 chocolate fondue platters..Mmmmm it was delicious! the hot creamy chocolate sauce was kept warm & melted over a candle..while we dipped banana slices, fresh whole strawberries & raspberries, creamy puffs, biscotti, bite-sized cake pieces into the tantalizing warm chocolate.

Near the end, we even poured a shot of amaretto liquer into the chocolate..giving it unique almond flavour..I liked the flavour of the liquor so much i went to find out more about it:

'Amaretto' is italian for 'a little bitter'. The original version comes from Saronno, Italy. It has an almond flavour to it, though it may or may not contain almonds. It's primarily made from apricot pits, and may contain any number of spices & flavourings..

As legend has it, amaretto was created by a widow who posed for Renaissance painter Bernardino Luini in 1525. The widow fell in love with the painter and made her amaretto potion for him. Her original recipe has purportedly been handed down from generation to generation without change.

Here's a close up view of the mouth-watering fondue. i can still taste the buttery chocolate that melts in your mouth..pure satisfaction.

Banana Leaf & Brewerkz

Thanks jega for organizing!

Banana Leaf is located at Race course road, near Little India mrt..where food is served on a large banana leaf--traditional indian style! i'm definitely going there again..perhaps bring my mum, who loves spicy curries & brani..

i especially liked their Lhassi drinks..it's the first time i've tried lhassi & i've already found recipes to make my own lhassi. haha..

Lhassi is a scented yoghurt drink from india. Great served with curries. Very smooth & refreshing in a hot climate.


Then we headed to Brewerkz at Riverside point for some of their great beer. i'm totally not a beer person..i just can't seem to appreciate it. But the beer at Brewerkz was something else altogether! it was much richer & a little sweeter than other beers i've tasted.

Apparently, they 'use 100% malt whereas industrial breweries use adjuncts such as corn and rice in addition to malt to obtain fermentable sugars. They do this because it is cheaper and it produces a lighter tasting beer. Also, industrial beers have very low hop levels so that basically, these beers have very little hop and malt flavor. '

We were choosing between Indian Pale Ale (their most popular, intensely hopped beer) and wheat ale..and finally settled on a tower of Wheat ale! It's a golden, slightly opaque beer which is supposed to have a 'sharp, clove like aroma' that appeals to creative & artistic people..=)

steph,jega,zhiyong,mervynEveryone feeling good after a night of spicy food & aromatic beer..and of course, lots of laughter & jokes. Haha it's been a long time (years!) since we met up & talked so much but it was really fun!