
Sunday, July 09, 2006



Glad dermatology posting is over..Not that i didn't enjoy it--it was interesting..and i know ALOT more about rashes now. At least now when i see a red rash i can think of ten other differentials.. so I have alot more to worry about. GREAT help to my neurotic nature.

But 2 weeks of seeig diseased skin was really getting to me. On wednesday i noticed a patch of dry skin on my face. But i started to wonder if the dry skin was scaly..and i noticed (ok maybe imagined a little) a slight hyperpigmentation to that patch of skin..and i almost thought i saw (ok maybe i didn't) the patch had an annular border.

Diagnosis changed from 'Dry Skin' to 'Tinea Faciei' (fungal infection of the face)

So thursday and friday were spent checking on that patch, making sure it didn't spread. And on friday i had a nightmare..The patch had turned black and mouldy with secondary smaller patches all over my face! When i finally woke from my nightmare, i was thankful derm was finally over.

Now there's psych med..where i'll be around depressed/manic/schizophrenic people. Just hope i don't start wondering if i'm crazy.

Anyz..weekend has been good & relaxing!

Friday dinner: cooked by NIC, the master chef..He whips a mean dish of pasta..i have no idea where he learnt how to make the perfect sauce, but he was adding minced beef, chopped onions, tomato sauce, mushrooms to the pot like a pro! Anyone would have been impressed, especially a cook-wannabe-but-cannot-make-it like me. Haha. Anyz we finished up the yummy dinner in a jiffy.
Buonissimo, squisito. Sono felice. Grazie.

Friday night/Saturday early morning: Wine Bar & Phuture with Syl & her law friends.. Gosh i haven't danced for a really really long time..my feet were killing by the end of it..But it was fab fun dancing with you babes!

Anyway..the reason i've not been out much on Sat & Sun is this..

"Warning: This crafty new medical drama about a team of CSI-minded docs and their hatefully brilliant mentor may prove addictive."

This was the label on the DVD cover. I should have heeded its advice..
Cos I'm sooooo hooked on House. I can't stop watching and rewatching its episodes! It's soooo bl**dy brilliant..i'm thinking if i were smart enough i'll go into diagnostic medicine..But alas..

To those who think Grey's anatomy is a great medical drama..Try this..it has less about love affairs (thank goodness) and MUCH more about intense, intriguing & intelligent medical puzzles.

Sunday night: Leonie, the lovely indonesian elective student is back! Had a great evening chatting with you girl..and i'll say 'Hi' to the rest of the CG for you..in case you don't get to see them!=)