
Saturday, July 22, 2006

quiet reflections of a messy mind

Psychological Medicine is over! i can't say how glad i am to be of a sound mind (hmm though sometimes i definitely question that)..

i guess we all have a bit of schizy-ness & bipolarity in all of us. Just that they haven't gotten so bad as to take control of our lives.

Actually, it's really amazing how powerful the human brain is..You mess up the chemicals, and you start living a life no one else understands--whether it's having delusions, seeing or hearing things, feeling just so darn happy/sad, not remembering your past...

it's kinda sad, actually..to see young patients have their lives taken over by strange thoughts & beliefs which we can't understand..i doubt they understand too. Either that or they are so fixed on these ideas they can't understand why others don't see things their way.

i think these people are probably the loneliest people in the world. They hardly have human relationships. Even if they do, they'll probably become estranged from their loved ones. Eventually, they'll end up a long-stayer at IMH, a place where no one wants to visit.

ok enough of pressured thoughts...

on friday, prof low cheng hock gave a really inspiring talk about communication in medicine..At the end of his talk, he flashed a poem, which i really liked! i couldn't copy it down before the slide changed, but i scribbled down what i remember..So here it is:

I strived for happiness
Happiness I could not see
I looked for fulfillment
Fulfillment eluded me
I searched for richness of spirit
Richness of spirit left thee
But when I practiced medicine on my brethren
I found all three

Now that we're on the topic of quotes, i've found some really nice ones. On monday a few of us went for 'One Cat Purring' performance by Michael Westlake, one of many events supported by the Brahma Kumaris Raja Yoga Centres. Thanks Van for inviting us!:)

I liked a few quotes he mentioned..

'To be in control, you must learn to let go.'

'2 swimmers in a river of rapids can either trash around or float, but they will reach downstream at the same time.'

And as we were leaving, we were given 'blessings'..little cardborad packings of home made candy with quotes on them. Thanks hanley & mark for giving me your quotes!

'With your patience & true love for everyone, you have the ability to ease any difficult situation into a peaceful one again.'

'By celebrating the greatness of others, you have become a great soul.'

'You are a courageous soul who recognizes that whatever you face will become the wings with which to fly.'

P.S: Anyone wants to go for NUS Dance Ensemble performance on 15th/16th september? It's really good! i'm not dancing, but taufik, flea & amy are! Remember 'You don't have to know dance to love it!'

Those of you who have seen dance ensemble performances, you'll know their standards are really high..so it's definitely worth the money! Tics are $12/15/18.

I've checked the timetable..It's all short postings..so no need to worry about med SIP!

Please let me know ASAP if you're interested! i'm looking for company..;)