
Monday, July 31, 2006

goodbye for now!

the end
it's been really fun blogging for the past few months,
but i'm getting kinda bored..and busy...
so here's bye for now!
maybe i'll blog again, maybe i won't.
maybe my next entry will be next week, next month, next year..who knows..
Hmmm..I guess i've always known the path to becoming a doctor has never been easy, but lately the huge responsibilities as a future doctor has dawned upon me. Everyday, whether in the wards, clinics, tutorials, lectures, or just talking to my fellow medical mates, i cannot help but realise how much more i don't know, and how much more there is to learn. Perhaps it is best surmised by Hippocrates, 'The life so short, the craft so long to learn.'
Of course life isn't all work & no play..even my surgery tutor had to tell me 'All work and no play makes Stephanie a dull girl.' Haha..:> But i guess i don't really have to worry about that too much, since i'm someone who finds it hard to turn down anything fun or yummy! anyz i think i have more hypomanic episodes than depressive ones.
'Neither Aristotle nor the Framers were known for self-indulgence. All believed that happiness is a legitimate goal in life; perhaps, one of the reasons we are here. ' -Gregg Easterbrook
So i'll try to remember: Live life to the fullest..and take time to stop & smell the roses too!
'Life is what's happening when you're too busy to notice.' -Wayne Muller