
Wednesday, October 04, 2006


SIP is really enjoyable..I'm post call today but not very tired cos i had a very nice & understanding HO..(nice HO=free dinner + lots of rest + trust you to clerk new admissions& all sorts of procedures) And over dinner both my HO and MO agree that it's not fair to work students to death when we're not getting paid! Don't you just love understanding and nice seniors? ;>

Anyway, i'm really enjoying my SIP. Enjoy doing procedures, esp blood taking & setting plugs. Like nic said: the more you do, the more you realise how everyone's veins are different, and each presents with its own set of challenges. Haha i'm the blood sucker (as one MO said) and though TTSH has phlebotomists, they're always on emergency leave, or those in my ward just aren't very good..

Making small talk with patients is also fun--some of them can really light up your day with simple words--whether it's a subutex shooter, an old aunty with cancer or an uncle with HIV..They're all capable of showing you the lovelier side of life somehow. Of course there are those nasty ones, where despite you being nice and friendly with them, they can turn nasty in a second, demanding to discharged against advice..Thankfully these patients are few and far between.

Maybe it's only been 2 weeks of SIP but i already can't wait to start Housemanship! =)
Breathe (2am)
And i've found a new song to listen to non stop--in my car, at home, humming to myself the whole day..It's Breathe (2am) by Anna Nalick. Hey flea, after you sent me the song i have been listening to it non stop lah! Haha i'm addicted. Check out the music video