
Friday, September 29, 2006


Been sick the last few days. It was horrible...

Tmax 39.7, chills & rigors, thunderclap headache, myalgias, arthralgias, awfully painful throat..
And with differential diagnoses of 'meningitis', 'breakbone fever aka dengue','septicaemia', 'subarachnoid hemorrhage','esophageal cancer' raging through fried brains, it was pure agony.

Stayed home, bedbound for 2 days, chugging on ciprofloxacin the wonder drug..Not too great a start for SIP..

So i returned to the hosp today with 50% attendance so far, and some houseman making snide remarks about me being a slacker. Thank goodness for understanding MOs, registrars & consultants.

Anyz, some verbs/nouns/adjectives i don't want to be associated with
did i say sick

i really shouldn't whine but it was awful.. almost forgot how it felt..It's only after times like this that you realise how important health is. Really. think i'm going to need a good rest!

Anyz before i go, here's some photos from last week..

Dinner @ Lei Garden, Chjimes with joline, mark, sabrina, lydia

Some highlights..

the prawns battered in egg yolk was absolutely yums peking duck was crispy, light and overall very good!er..i can't remember what this was..oh dear..but i'm sure it was delicious! haha the kailan & noodles were very tasty too!

After a satisfying dinner we headed to Menotti, an italian cafe for dessert.. joline & mark with their tiramisus...
sab & steph