
Wednesday, January 04, 2006

the start of work

Yesterday was the start of a new posting..but I started it off feeling not-too-great about myself, basically cos of my anaesthesia marks. guess it's partly cos everyone in my cg is so freaking smart and do so well, plus my self esteem isn't that high to start of with.
But it's silly wallowing over marks..
Anyz i was really cheered by several things and people..there are always angels to brighten your day! And like i've heard in a song once..'If we don't count our blessings then we're wasting our time..' So true=)

yIPpee! my wonderful dear mother came home from HK last night. Thanks ma for jetting back and forth HK and s'pore to look after your daughters..We love you! *Hugs*

Thanks bunches munches Zhimin for these fried cookies from taiwan! They're delish, like nothing i've tried before! Only thing is..my family opened the box while i wasn't home today and there aren't many left now..hmph.So rocky my dog only gets a tiny piece from me!
And of cos, thanks so much once again to you and your aunt for bringing my sis, cousin and me around taiwan.. Had a great time that day..probably wouldn't have gone so many nice places if you weren't there!
Thanks Lina for the lovely agnes.b black pouch..i was really desparate to get a new pencil case to replace my old and scruffy ROXY one(though i'm gonna miss it..had it since RJ times=p) But i was ABSOLUTELY delighted to see the black agnes b box Ma left on my bed last night.. I really like it..so classy. Love ya girl, you're the best!=)
Thanks to a gentleman called Sui An.. for helping me with my heavy stuff in the HOT sun! hey girls, he's VERY available! hehe

And thanks loads Wendy for the sweet card and message, the lovely crabtree and evelyn toiletries, and the dining voucher for Top-of-the-M! I've always wanted to go there..yay. Please thank your sis for me..And she's most welcome about the dress..bet she looked fabulous in it.. it's one of my fav gowns too!


  • At 3:37 AM, Blogger stephanie said…

    hey sui an..hope it's not too late a reply! sorry..i wasn't so ON abt blogging at the start..but now i'm warming up to it and actually think itz quite fun! hey DO consider continuing your blog la! anyz thanks for the encouragment you gave..i'm sure we'll all get through this trying period, so just hang in there too!=)


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